Opportunity for Kenyan graphic designers, coders, writers and data entry clerks.

Fiverr has provided an opportunity for skilled and talented Kenyans to work for clients all over the world on interesting projects in nearly all disciplines.
If you are a coder, a graphic designer or just a young brilliant person with lots of energy, then you stand a good chance to get hired on Fiverr.

How to Create More Time and More Money for the Things That Matter.

If you work during the day and attend classes in the evening, then you probably do not have time for all the things that you need to do.  You probably have lots of pending assignments and pending work and it is causing you stress.  Or perhaps you do not have evening classes but you just do not have time. You are too busy. If this describes you, smile you are not alone. This is a problem for many people. Good news is that it has a simple solution.